The Gameplay Gestalt, Narrative, and Interactive Storytelling
This paper discusses the relationship between concepts of narrative, patterns of interaction within computer games constituting gameplay gestalts, and the relationship between narrative and the gameplay gestalt. The repetitive patterning involved in gameplay gestalt formation is found to undermine deep narrative immersion. The creation of stronger forms of interactive narrative in games requires the resolution of this confl ict. The paper goes on to describe the Purgatory Engine, a game engine based upon more fundamentally dramatic forms of gameplay and interaction, supporting a new game genre referred to as the fi rst-person actor. The fi rst-person actor does not involve a repetitive gestalt mode of gameplay, but defi nes gameplay in terms of character development and dramatic interaction.
منابع مشابه
Designing Storytelling Games That Encourage Narrative Play
Storytelling games are a form of competitive storytelling framed in the context of gameplay. However, most existing storytelling games emphasize competitive gameplay and winning at the expense of competitive narrative play; they tend to be storytelling games rather than storytelling games. This paper explores issues related to the design of storytelling games that are won through narrative play...
متن کاملManaging a Non-linear Scenario - A Narrative Evolution
This paper examines the causes and consequences of the narrative paradox phenomenon widely observed in VR. We present an alternative approach to virtual and interactive storytelling in the form of the emergent narrative concept, together with an implementation of a subset of these ideas in the FearNot! demonstrator.
متن کاملEmergent Narrative and Late Commitment
Emergent narrative is an approach to interactive storytelling in which stories result from local interactions of autonomous characters. We describe a technique for emergent narrative that enables the characters to fill in the story world during the simulation when this is useful for the developing story.
متن کاملAuthoring emergent narrative-based games
In this article, we address the particular issue of authoring interactive narrative with respect to video-games and interactive storytelling. We first introduce the narrative paradox between interactivity and narrative content in virtual environments and consider its impact on game design and development. We then introduce the concept of the Emergent Narrative (EN) and the particular philosophy...
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Interactive storytelling is a rapidly emerging field that tries to reconcile story-like experiences with user control. These forces oppose each other, as story implies predetermination and author intent, and interactivity implies freedom and variability. This paper focuses on unscripted (emergent) narrative and addresses the authoring problem resulting from bringing story development into free ...
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